Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Who are the worst?? Guy cheaters or woman cheaters?

Keep in mind before you post your comment that most women cheat for a reason, its usually that somethings going wrong in the relationship or some type of neglect. There may be a slip up here or there for a woman when shes probably sweet talked into having sex and maybe thats not her fault, on the other hand men most of the time have no reason for there stepping out. What is your opinion?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

6 excuses a cheating man might use! There more, but we will keep it short.

1. Shes not the same as she use to be!
We all think the grass is greener on the other side, especially if your
woman has got lazy physically and gained a little weight. Guys tend
to start looking at other women.

2. She nags me all the time, its like a fly in my ear all day!
Ladies! It is not at all sexy when your always nagging , mothers nag,
aunts nag, the thought of an aunt or mom is not attractive at all!

3. Im sorry, i was just plain curious.
I know i said 6 reasons but this is a guy reason! LOL

4. Its just nature baby, i love ya but i dont think men were put on
the earth to have sex with just one woman!
I know, i know, more guy reasons. Sounds dumb but, some men really
think this is real!!! Is it???? What do you think?

5. Baby!!! It was just sex!! lol
Damn!!!! I promise you ladies. Men really think in there hearts that its
different, you can love someone and have sex with others. Its up to you
to teach him what true love is.

6. I did it just for the thrill!
I give up! Are these reasons? Maybe not but, it is the truth!

Monday, October 27, 2008

My coworker's sooo cool!!!!!

Infidelity in the workplace is a rising concern for many couples. Most never think about it but you see most of your coworkers more hours
during the week than you see your love ones. An affair at the workplace
can start in many ways. Regular conversation of a geat weekend or even
someone just listening to there problems. Most of the time the workplace
creates the situation of friendship, and a sort of a bond between coworkers. Lunch hour,"lunch date", happy hour, "a couple a drinks".
Is there a cutie at your job? What are you gonna do? What have you
done already? lol

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Emotional or Physical Affairs, which tears are the worst?

We all know what a physical affair is but just to be clear on what an emotional affairs is in case your confused, most start out as a platonic friendship and forms into a strong bond that in the long run hurts the intimacy of the relationship that your in. Emotional affairs are usually viewed to others as harmless but this is the gateway to full blown sexual infidelity!

Just a couple red flags on emotional affairs.

1. You start spending less and less time together.
2. You find yourself anticipating the time that you will see that person and spend time with them again.
3. You start sharing thoughts and all your feeling and your thoughts with that person instead of your loved one.
4. You think your friend understands you better.
5. You find reasons to give your friend gifts.

These are not only for women, but also men if you feel these coming on then its time to have a talk, and dont beat yourself up about it, just know that if it keeps up there will be more!!!!!!

Emotional leads up to physical, blue pill or green pill choose one, if both combine, TROUBLE!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Ten signs when most men are headed for infidelity!!!!!!!

1. Always creating excuses and stories.
2. He keeps you a secret.
3. He starts to have sexual thoughts of other women.
4. He finds a way to tell you without telling you, its ok to cheat.
5. Puts his self in situations to meet women.
6. He starts to get phone numbers.
7. Develops a relationship with another woman.
8. He feels trapped all of a sudden.
9. He starts searching for arousal somewhere else, like porn, magazines.
10. All of a sudden he's so forgiving of your cheating friends.

All of the signs above are crystal clear to women but yet and still they continue to ignore, why, whats the
problem, do women hate to be alone that much that its better to be in a bad relationship than not being in
one at all ????

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Long Distance Relationships?

Long distance relationships, can they work, do they work, who beleives in them. In relationships all over the world
careers can yank anyone clear across the world provided if the opportunity is grand enough. Youll need to search
deep inside yourself and make sure your ready for that level of commitment. If you can seriously close your eyes and
imagine yourself with no one else but that person, thats a good sign allthough there are still a couple factors to consider. However, if you've been tempted to stray away at times while living in
town, then chances are your not quite ready! Can guys do it? Do you know any that has,, and how many?