Infidelity in the workplace is a rising concern for many couples. Most never think about it but you see most of your coworkers more hours
during the week than you see your love ones. An affair at the workplace
can start in many ways. Regular conversation of a geat weekend or even
someone just listening to there problems. Most of the time the workplace
creates the situation of friendship, and a sort of a bond between coworkers. Lunch hour,"lunch date", happy hour, "a couple a drinks".
Is there a cutie at your job? What are you gonna do? What have you
done already? lol
The question all women want to know, or do they?
In my experience in most cases the people that you work around are unattractive. I mean for a female you might not even thing that way since in Atlanta's workplace. It usually consist of all women. I really wouldn't want a work relation, when emotions get involved people start getting their feelings hurt. I would suggest working for yourself! lol
Work relationship can happen. Personal I don't think it's a good ideal to have a work relationship. I'm the type of person who wouldn't want to be around my mate 24/7 anyway. Also if there is ever a problem between the two, nine times out of ten the people you work will know something is going on within your relationship. I say just keep is professional....
Although my marriage was dying and I was all but bluntly asked to "mess around", (hmm, actually I was asked bluntly) I minded my own business ans styed faithful despite my difficulties at home. It depends on where your values are.
It usually not a good idea to get involved with someone you work with but sometimes it can be HOT!!! I had a "fling" with a manager once and it was fun. I didn't stay at the job long after that but... it was good while it lasted ;-)
Since job are getting harder to come by, I wouldn't risk it too much if possible. Many times when things don't work out, you're stuck, and your thought are more pre-occupied on everything but your actual work. It is fun to dream though...
I've had a couple of work relationships in college, and when they were over, it got a little uncomfortable at the workplace. Although there is a cutie at my job, I would not do it now.
stay professional; keep your business just that- your business. what i did last night is between me and him and people at my office try to figure my s*** out. they like to keep gossip going, so i can't date anyone at work.
anonymous black:
Each day he walks by her desk.//,his passing by is just a test//, debating to flex his power in management// , or does he really, know how she will handle it?// should he keep it professional?// creep to a more personal,, note that, she may bite the bait,// a chance to take,// one shot at a fling thing that has no meaning//, but longer coffee breaks//, and lunch time dates,// he would hate that the fact she has a mate// at home no communication//and at work its infatuation // the fact that both people are in the same situation/ in these workplaces the water cooler meeting spot is so hot thinking of the plot that he and she made// plans to, take thirty mins to eat, thirty mins to treat, thirty minutes to cheat // man thirty minutes to see, if this can go..nowhere laugh out loud, had to spell it out, , no string attached so this lobby loves elevating to the clouds,i mean how can my co worker be so cool, still try them and come off smooth,/ his time is 9 to 5 7 and a half hours to test his pride, 30 minute limit to try his try, with his eye on the prize, he invites her to a lunch or at least..offer to guide,.... to be continued
Yeah, you have to be careful about that one......that's can easily go either way. If you're a jealous person you can overreact and if you're naive you can have somebody bangin girl at the office. lol.
I hated the girl that worked at my ex's job. They would go play basketball together, go running. Not until I went running and played basketball with them. Ugh! He had to be doing her!
Can we really stop two people who have a desire to connect with each other beyond just the professional setting of the 4 walls they work in? I think not! Thus if you decide to date your co-worker...have fun doing doing so, but be man or woman enough to face the good, the bad, and the ugly that may come. I personally do not see anything wrong with dating someone you work with be it a serious relationship or a little hanky panky...been there and done that for both and if the right opportunity presents itself I'm sure I'll do it again. Life is too short not to live it as happy as you can be...*_*.
It is true that love stories at work are getting more and more common. But it's hard to actually get good things out of it. getting involved with a coworker might be a cool thing to do but the outcome is awful it it doesnt work out!! and if u decide to stop that relationship to be good to your loved one it might become a problem too because the coworker would not understand or hard just because you see that person everyday!! personnaly i would never jeopardize my relationship at home for a small and stupid love story at work!!
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