Friday, February 11, 2011

Love or Security?

l love you! Everyone remembers the first time they heard it from that special person, if true, gives you that undescribable great feeling inside that cannot be duplicated in any other way. Love makes you feel that nothing else matters as long as you have that person, they have you and, the love is unconditional. Sounds wonderful but, on the other hand there's security. Security could have two different meanings, security in which without a shadow of a doubt you will be loved unconditionally forever or security in, not necessarily being taken care of financially but having someone thats finacially stable. Is this more important than love these days? Is it about 50/50, or how many of us believe that love is all that we need? Whats the american way???


Anonymous said...

Love is just a word. It means nothing. A pimp takes their hoes money and beats them if they don't come with the right amount that day. Then they tell them that they love them/"I'm sorry". Really? Just because they said that four letter word does it really mean what its definition is....Nope...Financially deprived will cause a person not to feel that so-called emotion "love" that they felt in the beginning...soon that survivor button kicks in...Love won't pay the bills! So 45/55 finances outweigh love!

Anonymous said...

Why should you have to chose? Its not even 50/50 ... it should be 1000/100! I think that both love and security go hand-in-hand. If you truly love someone, you want them to feel secure.

butterfly4008 said...

Love and security simply go together. If i'm truly in love I feel secure with my man. Security means feeling safe and cared for unconditionally. Women love to have a safe place to fall and know they're taken care of. I don't mean financially, I mean when he's got my back. I love knowing that he's there for me with emotional support.

Stone said...

If we analyze love the way God loves us then our mate or the one we love should have God within them. Just like we can gain love and security from God Himself then we should feel secure in the love we give and receive from our mate. The greatest gift you can give a man/woman is Love for those who believe. Non-believers...well take life as it comes and hope for the best.

Anonymous said...

very interesting post!! well i would have to say that love is worth more than security but it still goes hand to hand with it. For example as a woman i love my man dearly. Im not gona lie that when i 1st met him i was looking for someone who had his " stuff " and his life together! so it was my main purpose when looking for a man, because i had just got out of a relationship where i was the main provider and it was very hard. Anyway after spending lots of time together feelings started developping and it became more and more serious and now he's my man and we have been together for quite a while!! we are together for love, that i can say, because we have had lots of "ups and down" and i still cant imagine myself without him!!

Gabrielle said...

Love and Emotional Security. If there is a natural disaster and you lose everything but your partner, you better have something good going on with your other half! If not, you truly are losing everything. If you have that connection with your other half, you are just starting over together. The person who marries for financial security is in for a rude awakening!

Anonymous said...


50/50 chance security or love, which way the american way

well its to the left when u cant pay for that date, and be comfortable at the end of the day

or maybe its TO the right, when they smile in a way, thats lets you know youre cared about

or maybe its down, when the finances are wearing out,

when before you shared more often and never complained about,
it going one way!!


so when feelings are so secure and the love feels pure, you are so sure you will be together forever
, but things always change due to bad weather

the american way used to say money cant buy you love, well shiiitttt, money owns all of the above,.

love may be just a word
but love that is broken cuts deep AND the pain is sharper than any sword,

love is something that needs to be kept up,
try saying that to a bill collector when the rents up

and see where its gets you , see if they love you enough to let it ride, to let you slide, love is security and we all know security comes with a price. not a prize

money cant buy love, but it sure can keep you company... being in love is no joke, full of feelings and a safe haven for hope,
BUT I DONT KNOW ANYONE YOU LOVES BEING BROKE..... take that , take that , take that,

Anonymous said...

Well I do agree with the comment saying that along with TRUE love is security. I know that it is possible to love someone who may not have much financially, but who does give you the feeling that there is no one you'd rather be with more. I think it's sad that people would rather choose an individual with money vs someone they could be truly happy with. Now I'm not sayin that I'd be with a man who sits on his ass all day long and does jack squat, but as long as they have some sort of income and they truly love me, that's all that matters to me. Ya'll money is not everything. As the saying goes sometimes, mo money may mean mo problems and that could cause insecurity!!!!

Anonymous said...

I believe love is unconditional. I am not a financially dependent person. I believe in love at first sight. I believe that gold diggers chase for money and true women go for whats in their heart and not in their wallet. I guess it depends on the type of woman you date. Admit it! 80% percent of all women now adays are out for cash and rims. But, what if you find a woman that either already has it or has experienced it already in their life? Maybe men should find women that dont mind helping out with the bills or the ticket when the man cant afford it.

Sass said...

In a perfect world, it's both. Equally.

Unfortunately, this is reality...not a perfect world...

So my answer is...I don't know. ;)