Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Depth of a True Meaning of a "NewYear" by Christian Geis Alexander, Smithsonian Think Laboratories ~There Can Only Be One!~Cga

Hey everyone its a premiere for me to post a few sentences for my close patron Monsignore Montair for the new year. Its tough of whats being said and done and not staying task to its symbolically, metaphorically, and whole heartedly speaking...The meaning in a sense of whats really true and real has been demolished through the evolution of mankind, and that pertains to "just" the last century!!! We have come along way but also strayed away of all morals and attributes to spirit, living and the real meaning of Life and its purpose of so many facettes more than JUST A BLUE HOPE DIAMOND!!! We all have a crystal clear outlook of whats what and which is which...a 'Just'Do... got to be implemented on a daily, hourly basis! We know right from wrong and what is needed to make us better, thus this world a better! Seek and you'll shall find is more than just a bind of some biblical term of a contract! A close friend D.Lang used to always say to me, "Do You",let me add to it, be original, compassionate with gist and true stance...Live everyday to the best, real best, of your true potential and ability...God bless, seriously, even if one day one might discover it aint so...just the positive aspect of thoughts and feeling will attract the Godspeed, live long and stay in tune...~Cga. Christian Geis Alexander (

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