Sunday, March 27, 2011

Can he be forgiven for cheating? Should a man be forgiven, does it depend on the situation or is there absolutely no excuse

Is He Playing Me?


Anonymous said...

I think that it really depends on the situation. Women really do not know how hard it is to be a man and stay in control of our bodies, sometimes we just lose focus.

truthtold said...

I can respect the truth from anonymous, but understand we women have the same temptations and desires. It's time to stop making excuses about how being faithful is so hard. It's all about maturity and being accountable for your own actions. I believe if you truly love someone and care about how your actions could possibly hurt them, you would do all you can do protect them. It is hard but it means stepping up and saying I will not put myself in situations where cheating could possibly take place. People stop thinking you can go so far and not give in. The FLESH is weak!! Don't do it to yourself. So cheating can be forgiven because I believe we have to forgive in order to free ourselves, but that doesn't mean you have to stay with a person. And no there is never an excuse. If you are not happy in your relationship or your needs are not being met, this needs to be communicated to your significant other. How can a person work on something if they don't know how you feel. Now, after that if there is no change then end the relationship. Then you can be with whoever you want.